swtor taris or nar shaddaa first. Taris. swtor taris or nar shaddaa first

 Tarisswtor taris or nar shaddaa first com by Kal from TodayinTOR

Darth Baras's master on the Dark Council, Darth Vengean is looking for a way to break the truce between the Republic and the Empire and bring the two back into a full-fledged war. Belsavis: Freeing The Fallen - 03:00. Datacrons are force-powered stores of ancient knowledge, which when accessed provide characters with valuable rewards. com . I overleveled like nuts on Taris just doing all the quests (I was offered Nar Shaddaa's bonus series when I first set foot on it) now on Nar Shaddaa I thought I did everything but I'm struggling with the bonus series. Ilum Map. advertisement. Corellia Map. 1. Shadow Hunter - Titles. expand on the main <Story Arc> missions for that planet. - We have deals set up on Taris and Nar Shaddaa. Even now, rolling an alt and playing those old stories again can be a great experience. Travel to Nar Shaddaa and eliminate General Gonn and the traitorous Imperial emissaries. The distances between outposts and thus between class story elements are a bit lengthy, that's true - but as one discovers an outpost and unlocks its speeder pad, things get better. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend. Nar Shaddaa Bonus = levels 31-34. Agent would work if you weren't undercover. Once a thriving ecumenopolis, it was reduced to a post-apocalyptic swamp three centuries ago by Darth Malak. There are a couple missing titles and one mis-categorized quest I'll update after the weekly reset. I am only a level 22 jedi consular and i am having trouble beating the camp 27 boss. SWTOR Patch 7. Once they were used to create your first relics at the game's launch. A recomended strategy is to send in the main tank (preferabbly the highest level/most. LORE - Nar Shaddaa. The Knight and Smuggler aren't really doing anything related to the reconstruction efforts. -1006, -4670If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates that show up when youHOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP. ) This function was removed, or radically nerfed, I believe. com by Kal from TodayinTOR. Summary: Nar Shaddaa is a neutral city-covered moon controlled by the criminal Hutt. You won't get any more skill ups from the nodes on on Nar Shaddaa, but harvesting will at least get you mats you can use to level Artifice. 0/1 Nikto and Corellian Sectors. Then Corellia. Hi fellow PVE:ers on the server Nightmare Lands. What exactly is the problem? I'm playing a trooper and I have a choice between Taris (16-20) and Nar Shadda (20-24). More sharing options. Intercom-33, 12: Requires Sith Hierarchy to be completed first. Does anyone know? If he's where I think he is, you can get to him, you just have to take a long-ish route through the bonus area, after I finish up dailies, I'll figure out the route and edit with. Support. Nar Shaddaa Quest List. The council asks the consular to seek out and shield these masters. Taris is the fifth planet orbiting a star in the Outer Rim. It unlocks the Galactic History 50 Codex Entry. Tatooine Map. Datacrons are for the most part located in places which are intentionally difficult to find or access. Republic. The Bounty Hunter joined up with a team of hunters, who were trying to get them into the Great Hunt, a galactic-wide competition where hunters not only must hunt and kill a target, but kill a rival hunter tracking the same target, for fame and riches. Anyway, last time she had done everything she could on Taris and it was time to continue to Nar Shaddaa. Guide to all SWTOR Datacrons Locations on Taris for Republic Side. A large. The promenade is shared by both sides but is a. Sand Demon - Bestiary (This is Jedi Knight only) SIS Operative - Titles. Tatooine Bonus = levels 28-30. You can earn and show off your prowess with the epic Legacy Title " The Beastmaster " in Star Wars: The Old Republic by scouting the Galaxy for unique and powerful beasts. Lab Animals (Heroic) hand-in dialogue removed. Nar Shaddaa Missions. It’s the first planet shared by all classes and a lot of important story and game events happen there too. Faction. Hoth Map. Grade 6 - Levels 49-50 - Corellia, Ilum. This guide goes over all the Datacrons that you can find on the planet Mek-Sha. Posted May 9, 2012 (edited) There are 3 outfits. Taris; Companion Type: Healer. UPDATED for 7. The Rift Alliance (Consular) 40. Taris is meant for Level 16-20 characters on Republic side, while Nar Shaddaa is for levels 20-24. 1) (First info on CotE) 4. This guide will help you get all three SWTOR Datacrons on Quesh. Let the Vendor Beware. This is quite a tough jumping puzzle, so patience is necessary. By Jon M , Andrew , Tanner Sundwall , +44. - Defeating Enemies on Corellia, Makeb, Mek-Sha, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Rishi, Taris and Tatooine. 2. . Kim Kardashian; Doja Cat; Iggy Azalea;. Smuggler Alderaan (Ch. Lhasadog. Coruscant Map. I've been loving the game in every respect, but why you choose to highlight the poor texture mapping of overhead ledges and poor jumping physics for a relic requirement is so far beyond me. Billions of. The Yellow Matrix Shards are remnant relics of the Infinite Empire and no longer useful. Coords: 2191, -2020. To locate Exploration Missions throughout the Galaxy, check 'Show Exploration Missions' on the World Map Legend. Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver; Celebrity. Full Walkthrough with screenshots for - Explore Revan's Past - Quest - Star Wars: The Old Republic - Guide with all choices and branches - Level: 22 - While investigating Revan's secret facility, search for clues about what happened to the alien slaves that once protected the complex. A complete list of all Datacrons available in SWTOR. Mek-Sha is accessible to both factions. Compared to it, me and my groupmate breezed through Nar Shaddaa in no time and with a lot less of the constant "Well the map says it's here, but there's a WALL here, so I guess we have go six billion miles to go around the wall, and what the hell is a wall doing here anyway, jeez this takes forever" that was going on on Taris. Agent would work if you weren't undercover. Hutt Cartel. theres also 10 node locations in the area. Balmorra (I): Warrior. It was the. It's like questing in a Blade Runner themed shopping mall. Syndicate Infighting: Create infighting within the Hutt Cartel, Exchange, and Black Sun by defeating syndicate members and planting incriminating rumors while disguised as a. Combat Styles; SWTOR. Doh Completely forgot that heh. Samara Mindak- Dromund Kaas. M1-4X is a proper companion that should both have dialogue and influence gain in story that comes after Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa. This Will Do NicelyThe Green Matrix Shards are remnant relics of the Infinite Empire and no longer useful. That's why they implemented the warning when you try to abandon quest. Imp Nar Shaddaa). The team consisted of an old time hunter named Braden, a Nikto. She proceeded to destabilize. This Datacron will permanently increase your Endurance with +2. Quesh Map. 2 - Trooper. I saw 1 of them at a taxi. Share More sharing options. TIP: This one is faster than it looks. First Casualty. Korriban Map. The Empire’s version of this Datacron is Blue and grants Mastery +4 and Galactic History 49 Codex Entry to Empire Players. 0/1 Duros and Red Light Sectors. Network Access or Upper Industrial - Locations (must be one of these two by POE) Gen'Dai - Species. Eyes and Ears. 93731. SWTOR. It will go down a little and you will discover the Slippery Slope cantina (that's what it's called IIRC. I think i'm heading toward the end of my stay at Taris, so I don't think I can level too much by the time my missions in Taris are done with. 2000: Nar Shaddaa: Rampage: Defeat 250 non-player opponents while on Nar Shaddaa. Valor is earned when you play instanced PvP in SWTOR – warzones and Arenas. You can (and must) do one then the other (one is the taris story arc, the other is the nar shaadaa story arc). BTW. Speaking with an ‘Informative Jawa’ on the Fleet may offer aid in locating Underworld Syndicate Plans. Datacrons are hidden objects in Star Wars: The Old Republic that you can find to earn a permanent boost for your characters. Let the Vendor Beware. SWTOR Datacrons Guide. The Achievement can be. Finding one of the missing teams, Havoc Squad learned the one behind the disappearances was one of the. It was home to a large criminal underworld dominated by bounty hunters and Hutt crime lords. At first glance,. This guide will help you get all four SWTOR Datacrons on Rishi. The first location was in Black Hole, Chasing the Shadow mission. No one seems to know this, but the regular 'weapon vendor' on Tatooine (at least empire side) sells orange weapons that are by far better than anything you'd have up until that point, and they're only 14,100 credits. The planets listed below are all part of the Galactic Loremaster achievement. New Cartel Market items in 7. The Nikto Sector, as it is now known, began as a place where Nikto warriors came to. But if you go to Nar Shaddaa, the missions on Taris won't be cancelled or autocompleted. in case you hadn't noticed, on your galaxy map it tells you the recommended levels for each planet. Summary: Nar Shaddaa is a neutral city-covered moon controlled by the criminal Hutt Cartel. I'd go to Taris first, then Nar Shadaa. They can be done in any order, but generally the taris one is done first as it is a lower level planet. Tython. The warheads were ejected to the surface of Taris in cryo-stabilization pods, landing in the Sinking City area. 1000: Nar Shaddaa x3: Tatooine: Infiltrating the EmpireNar Shaddaa Map. The First is a world boss found in Dromund Kaas and is available to Empire players only. Balmorra (Republic) Blue Mastery Datacron Location. I'm lvl 22 atm. Taris in the Republic Resettlement Zone, Lower city Ruins (-1666/-234). Nar Shaddaa is the second planet after Dromund Kaas (DK=>Balmorra=>Nar Shaddaa) in Chapter One, so you must also finish Tatooine, then Alderaan, along with some between-planets elements(1) and a between-chapters element. 1k more. There's a world flagged as open PvP on a PvP server, and yet Republic and Imperial go to Taris at very different levels. Starting coordinates: 2298, 3071. Side quests and story arcs tend to be repetitive as they involve the same lines of dialogue and story, whilst Flashpoints require a group- hence why I preferred to solo Heroics. Tython Map. This interactive map of Nar Shaddaa has every point of interest marked so you can find your way around more easily in Star Wars: The Old Republic. This guide will show you how to start and successfully complete the SWTOR Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series Missions, which BioWare made Repeatable and tied to Conquest Objectives with the release of SWTOR Game Update 6. Though, your story should keep you going in the right direction if you are. This ecumenopolis is one of the wealthiest locations in the. The Bounty Hunter storyline began on Hutta. I was at lv 16 and 12exp away from going into 17 when I finally got my ship. 1 - Sith Inquisitor (and Tatooine, Alderaan planet arcs) Ch. It's not just a small angle, it's an 180 degress in some cases. coords. Tatooine -- Anchorhead, in the central market area. A complete guide to all missions, achievements and activities you can do at the Voss Interpreter’s Retreat area, released with SWTOR 7. Compared to it, me and my groupmate breezed through Nar Shaddaa in no time and with a lot less of the constant "Well the map says it's here, but there's a WALL here, so I guess we have go six billion miles to go around the wall, and what the hell is a wall doing here anyway, jeez this takes forever" that was going on on Taris. Battledroid R4-GL is a level 32 heroid world boss found on Nar Shadaaa with 581,435 health. Then later (around level 35) the Imp player is tasked to sabotage the Republic success on Taris while a Rep player frees Balmorra. Nar Shaddaa Gandra Cantina, Lower Promenade Both Slave Girl: 2 F Tatooine Mos IIa Cantina on Tatooine Sand People. This guide will show you how to start and successfully complete the SWTOR Taris Bonus Series Missions, which BioWare made Repeatable and tied to Conquest. Nar Shaddaa Map. Bonus Series Guide. Howdy. More sharing options. At first glance, Shadow Town resembles an ordinary Nar Shaddaa slum. There are number of guides regarding companions, crew skills that show you their likes/dislikes, what planets they are from. After completing a space mission and daily space quests you will receive Fleet. Taris is a plague infested swamp world (code for really cool). Holoterminal: 0, 24: Requires Set the Table to. Fly there and you should be able to talk to her again. The Yellow Matrix Shards are remnant relics of the Infinite Empire and no longer useful. 3 on September 9th, 2020. This Datacron will permanently increase your Mastery with +2. Guide to all SWTOR Datacrons Locations on Taris for Republic Side. The consular accepts this task and is given a ship and told to seek out two jedi masters on the planets Taris and Nar Shaddaa. The First Son - Persons of Note (Jedi Consular only). Korriban Map. This is only right for the Empire, for the Republic, its Taris from 16-20 and Balmorra from 32-36 (i. Prev; 1; 2; 3It just felt way shorter. From starting point to the exact location and Codex Lore Achievement!. Full Walkthrough with screenshots for - Nar Shaddaa: Bonus Series - Quest - Star Wars: The Old Republic - Guide with all choices and branches - Level: 24 - Colonel Harok and Lord Zavrasha have tasked you with destroying the Republic's technological advances gained on Nar Shaddaa. March 4, 2023. First Casualty. From the best starting point to the exact location where you can collect them. Now the Republic seeks to re-colonize the ruins; the success of this undertaking would. Onderon is accessible to level 70 players. com authored by Jeff Prime. First confirmed sighting was during the boarding of Imperial dreadnaught Warhammer–Lokin was one of. Nar Shaddaa x2 Tatooine x2: Crafting: Invasion Force: Combine every type of war supplies in order to craft an Invasion Force. Thank you. World bosses are very rare spawns that offer a formidable challenge and rewarding loot to brave and skilled heroes. Nar Shaddaa was always busy, and getting lost in the crowd was almost a religion. This Datacron will permanently increase your Mastery with +2. Taris Map. Speaking with an 'Informative Jawa' on the Fleet may offer aid in locating Underworld Syndicate Plans. The weak point in the defenses appears to be their power supply, drawn from various reactors. across Makeb, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Voss, Darvannis, or Ossus. Grandfather is a level 22 heroic world boss on Balmorra. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Ord Mantell Map. 0. That's partly a result of how I first played the game, though. advertisement. Although slavery is officially condemned by the Republic, rapid Imperial expansion has caused a boom in the number of potential buyers. When it comes to Nar Shaddaa, I still get caught out to this day by two particular Quick-Travel points; the ones relating to the final story area of Nar Shaddaa and the bonus. Taris is, in my opinion, the intended 3rd planet for the Republic side. In 3,956 BBY, Revan infiltrated the Exchange headquarters on Taris and killed its local leader, Davik Kang. A level 18 raid encounter, The First can be found in. The Knight finds out that Imperial Intelligence is also searching for Doctor Godera. I missed it too on my first visit. He gets real excited, and I hop on with him to enter his ship. Assuming you finished Coruscant at around level 16-18 then you're supposed to go to Taris first, then Nar Shaada. (Wish some people would actually read and comprehend before posting. He didn't become a companion upon completion of the final quest of Nar Shadaa, and upon going to my. Republic. The entire Galactic Seasons system is Legacy-wide. Fugitives hide from the law after committing heinous crimes, and prisoners who. Back when speeder piloting was lv 25 and you had to do taris or belsavis and nar shaddaa on foot, these were a welcome sight. Taris. The Jedi Knight begins his or her story on Tython where they plan to complete their Jedi trials and complete their first lightsaber. chances are if you completely finish Taris you'll be 2-3 levels over-leveled for Nar Shadaa, but that shouldn't be a problem. x had some good story in it as well, Imperial Makeb and Oricon. The Star Cluster was the first to debut live dancers, the first to feature sabacc and the first to hire scantily clad girls as waitresses. Gundark- Bestiary . News. But unfortunately, it is only available to characters level 60 and higher. *2 minutes or less = Very Short. This is a full guide covering all 130 datacrons you can find in the game by planet. Republic lvl 32-36, Empire lvl 16-20. Varus Logan on Nar Shaddaa. I loved how Corellia l. 01. It was very dark with nothing but black and grey tones. SWTOR Datacrons Guide. I stopped by Nar Shadda where I found out in the hanger that if I go up a pair of stairs I. Taris (pub): Cather settlers Nar Shaddaa: Gundark (republic) *yon can get it in chapter 2 of KOTET, but not on Nar*. Ki Sazen- Taris. It's the same on both factions *and* whether it's a single story (e. March 4, 2023. Play Now. Belsavis Map. In the case of nar Shaddarh quests, they are lvl 31 quests, while tatooine (next map) initial quests are lvl 25. EternalNether 11 years ago #3. Complete Repeatable, Exploration, or Bonus Missions while defeating enemies across Makeb, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Voss, Darvannis, or Ossus. This guide goes over all the Datacrons that you can find on the planet Corellia. Taris Map. And, of course, the Data Codex Entry lore behind each Datacron! This guide is created for VULKK. I'm still getting skill ups from the nodes around Nar Shaddaa. 1 - Jedi Consular (and Taris, Alderaan planet arcs) Ch. Nar Shaddaa Missions. I think every class gets led back there for some reason or another after their first visit, except maybe the Consular (can’t remember the details of that one too well). Each vicious attack carries the chance of transforming the victim into a diseased monstrosity. Dromund Kaas and Taris for me. All bonus series become available once you reach level 60. com by Kal from TodayinTOR. Updated February 10, 2021. Balmorra then Nar Shaddaa for Imps, Taris then Nar Shaddaa for Pubs. Taris had been quite satisfying in terms of how many of its quests were doable without fighting anything, though there was some disappointment near the end when I had to acknowledge that none of the heroics were feasible to do in such a. I find Taris, Balmorra and Tatooinw to be really annoying and Nar Shaddaa to be kind of meh, so whenever I've slogged through them while doing chapter 1 I've always found Alderaan to be a really welcome breath of fresh air. Ord Mantell Map. I am only a level 22 jedi consular and i am having trouble beating the camp 27 boss. Reply Marquess13 • Traditional Jedi Robes • The order planetary story mission achievements are listed between republic and empire, and between classes, changes from planet to planet. Swtor Speeder Guide. Dark Honor Guard's Unstable Lightsaber Cartel Market / GTN. Store. Quesh. 2) Activate your Bounty Seeker Probes within the target region to triangulate the Kingpin bounty's position. Ord Mantell Map. There are 5 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Nar Shaddaa. Removed the Hoth Bonus Series Mission Terminals found on Voss. Hutta Map. Taris Map. 2 - Bounty Hunter. We respect your privacy. A Crushing Blow. Challenger's Lightsaber. This guide will help you get all SWTOR Datacrons on Nar Shaddaa. At first the ranks are easy to gain, but the progression becomes slower near the end. The Taris storyline is separated into four missions, but the third mission can be one of two missions depending on the player's alignment. A Republic general is meeting. A Crushing Blow. The Galactic Seasons is a level-based seasonal in-game system in SWTOR. Home Game News Store Forum Everywhere; This Forum; This Topic; Topics; Events; ImagesMarch 4, 2023. Taris [] On Taris, the Trooper met with Republic Sergeant and Imperial defect, Elara Dorne, who informed them about missing teams. If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates that show up when you HOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP, since player or cursor coordinates are usually incorrect. In the pursuit of advanced technologies, unscrupulous enterprises conduct hazardous experiments on unwilling test subjects and crime lords employ slaves as fodder on industrial assembly lines. On Nar Shaddaa I have 7/7 entries for locations as a Jedi Consular. Nar Shaddaa - many quests, interesting, looks better than Coruscant Balmorra - many quests, maybe a little bit boring but not as Tatooine Least Favourite. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. However since double experience isn't running, you're better off doing a full Tatooine and a full everything else to maximise your levelling. Hutta Map. G0-T0 managed to use the illegal actions of the Exchange for his ultimate purpose of stabilizing the Galactic Republic. 1k more. Quesh (for like 1 class quest) Hoth. Balmorra (I): Warrior. Interactive Makeb World Map. Mutual Beneficiary: Turn in Underworld Syndicate Plans to Qi'us Dnar on the Lower Promenade of Nar Shaddaa to earn Reputation with the Shadow Syndicate. planet Tatooine Independent lvl 24-28. How to Start (Republic): The Nar Shaddaa bonus series can be picked up in the spaceport by speaking to Deera Ulyette on the Republic side. The First is a world boss found in Dromund Kaas and is available to Empire players only. There are dozens of Datacrons spread across both the Republic and Empire factions in SWTOR. Everytime he tries, it says that he's "not eligible to enter this ship," and just doesn't play the. The Star Cluster Casino certainly wasn't the first casino to be built on Nar Shaddaa, but every casino since has tried to match its sleek design, pulsing lights and various entertainment options. Taris -- In a line of tents visible as you exit the space port. Lasts 15 seconds. First find the elevator to Cave Under Tree on the. 1. r/swtor • Nar Shaddaa is Beautiful. Republic: Nar Shaddaa - Chapter 1: Strike of the Desolator: Story Mission: Go to the Red Light Sector and find the main Power Guard Cybernetics Lab. The "normal" course of progression for Empire is Korriban/Hutta to Dromud Kass then to Balmorra with Narshadaa following. I'd go to Taris first, then Nar Shadaa. Screenshots of all the Lightsabers in. They will usually require a companion or another player to complete the quest. Each walkthrough segment of the guide always begins with the recommended starting point on the map and ends with the location of the Datacron itself and the Data Codex Entry. This Datacron will permanently increase your Mastery with +3. Nar Shaddaa is the first neutral planet that the player will encounter, despite the Republic and Empire sectors being separated. You can actively earn unique and exclusive rewards by completing specific Daily and Weekly Conquest Objectives called Priority Objectives. Nar Shaddaa Map. However since double experience isn't running, you're better off doing a full Tatooine and a full everything else to maximise your levelling. Take a lap around the large square area to reveal the map screen. Run and jump from the sign to the last ledge where the green datacron is located. Alderaan and Ossus do not seem to have a Champion Achievement set. The young Sith prevails through the early trials and is sent (along with the final apprentice candidate) to the Tomb of Naga Sadow and tasked to uncover its secrets. 1a. Followers 3. Quesh Map. On Nar Shaddaa…business is betrayal. . The Galactic Seasons is a level-based seasonal in-game system in SWTOR. From the best starting point to the exact location where you can collect them. Nar Shaddaa Map. By Jon M,. Posted January 1, 2017. The closest travel point for this Datacron is in the Black Sun Territory Quick Travel Point. This guide will help you get all SWTOR Datacrons on Nar Shaddaa. Look for Malinna who is sitting on a log. Description. First name * Email * Phone. Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Rishi, Taris, and Tatooine. Nar Shaddaa has ever been an attractive world for Nikto enforcers seeking employment with the Hutt Cartel. The Datacron is located in the northeastern corner of The Sinking City zone. From starting point to the exact location and Codex Lore Achievement!. Nar Shaddaa Bonus Series. Mutual Beneficiary: Turn in Underworld Syndicate Plans to Qi’us Dnar on the Lower Promenade of Nar Shaddaa to earn Reputation with the Shadow Syndicate. Mek-Sha is accessible to level 70 players. I believe the Empire also visits Taris later on, but not sure exactly when this. From the best starting point to the exact location where you can collect them. This Datacron is in the Glarus Valley zone (west on the World Map), inside Castle Panteer, on the second floor. Ace of the ArmadaBalmorra (Imperial) Blue Mastery Datacron Location. View data for the Nar Shaddaa Landing SWTOR Mission. This is an extensive player-made list of all the interesting activities, achievements and rare items you can earn in the game. com by Kal from TodayinTOR. Can't think of a good alternative explanation for the order. Codex Entry Name. Heroics as other people have said, if you want to “farm” these crates I would hit the low level planet heroics. kaherdyn. Each planet will have fauna unique to their environment, some friendly and some deadly. Support. Eyes and Ears. Once they were used to create your first relics at the game's launch. Pro Tip: The weapon vendor on Tatooine sells best-up-to-then orange weapons for credits. Full guide on how to find all SWTOR Datacron Locations on Nar Shaddaa. I'm hoping to get a specific drop off him but I don't know if the area he's in is even accessible to the Republic side. Class Trainer. The Republic version of this Datacron is Orange. Nar Shaddaa - Scourge of the Underworld - Titles. SWTOR Datacron Locations Guide. Taris [] On arriving at Taris, General Var Suthra informs the Jedi Knight that he needed to find Doctor Nasan Godera, the inventor of all the special Republic weapons. I'm stuck without a class story line after completing the Taris (first) and Nar Shadda (Second) lines. Taris. The closest starting location is The Wall Quick Travel Point. 3-4 minutes = Short. It unlocks the Galactic History 20 Codex Entry for Imperial Players. It just felt way shorter. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Deep in the dark swampy ruins lies the legacy of a centuries old plague, once confined to Taris’ demolished Undercity.